Engaging Languages in Intercultural Virtual Exchange (E-LIVE)

E-LIVE addresses foreign language, intercultural communication and digital literacies skills development through the pedagogical integration of virtual exchange projects at language-teacher education institutions and schools.   

E-LIVE vise à développer les compétences en langues étrangères, communication interculturelle et littératie numérique par l'intégration pédagogique de projets d'échanges virtuels (telecollaboration) dans les établissements de formation d’enseignants ainsi que des écoles.


Membres du laboratoire

Membres extérieurs

  • Kristi JAUREGI (Universiteit Utrecht, Pays-Bas)
  • Silvia CANTO (Universiteit Utrecht, Pays-Bas)
  • Begoña CLAVEL-ARROITIA (Universitat de Valencia, Espagne)
  • Barry PENNOCK-SPECK (Universitat de Valencia, Espagne)


The E-LIVE project brings together experts in the field of foreign language education, intercultural virtual exchange, teacher education, school education and technology-enhanced pedagogy from France, the Netherlands and Spain. The consortium addresses crucial digital pedagogical innovation and social needs for enhancing inclusive intercultural communicative competence development and digital literacies through the pedagogical integration of virtual exchange projects at language-teacher education institutions and schools. Key project objectives are to: 1) Innovate and enrich language teacher training programmes in higher education to develop digital literacy skills and organisational, pedagogical and intercultural competences of (trainee) teachers by putting virtual exchange projects at the heart of the pedagogical programme, while promoting experiential and reflective learning as well as action research. 2) Strengthen the cooperation among schools and teacher training institutions to: - jointly provide pedagogical solutions that help foster intercultural communicative competence and digital skills in authentic learning settings by facilitating virtual exchange projects, and - empower (trainee) teachers to become the agents of innovative pedagogical change 3) Enrich and make foreign language teaching programmes at schools more meaningful by offering learners opportunities to engage in virtual exchanges with peers from other cultures. 4) Exploit the possibilities that online interactive tools offer with a view to enriching and diversifying teaching for intercultural language learning. New experiences will be piloted making use of cutting-edge technology (Virtual & Augmented Reality and/or Artificial Intelligence) to promote engagement in virtual exchange activities. Research will be conducted on the usability of such emerging technologies for language education. 5) Address super-diversity and contribute to inclusion by facilitating student participation in intercultural virtual exchange projects that promote intercultural dialogue among diverse populations. E-LIVE embraces super-diversity as a powerful synergy to enrich teams, organisations and society in general. In addition, the specific needs of a diverse student population will be addressed and activities deployed to provide the best opportunities for comprehensive social and academic development for (trainee) teachers and students in different educational sectors.

Lien vers le projet : https://eliveproject.eu/

Présentation vidéo du projet




Universiteit Utrecht
Universitat de Valencia
Institut d'Educació Secundàriael Quint
K.G.M. Somers


Erasmus+ KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education


Production scientifique


  • Wigham, C.R., Jauregi-Ondarra, K. & Bennett, C. (2024). Trainee teachers' engagement in initial synchronous virtual exchange interactions. VALIANT Conference, VALIANT; UNIcollaboration, Feb 2024, Leon, Spain. [hal-04465300]
  • Wigham, C.R., Clavel-Arroitia, B. & Pennock-Speck, B. (2024). In-service teacher attitudes to coaching in the E-LIVE (Engaging Languages in Intercultural Virtual Exchange) Erasmus + Project. VALIANT Conference, VALIANT; UNIcollaboration, Feb 2024, Leon, Spain. [hal-04465346]
  • Jauregi-Ondarra, K., Canto, S., Wigham, C.R., Clavel-Arroitia, B. & Pennock-Speck, B. (2024).  Transforming Teacher Training Programs and School Curricula by Integrating Virtual Exchange: The E-LIVE (Engaging Languages in Intercultural Virtual Exchange) Erasmus + Project (2022 to 2024). VALIANT conference, VALIANT; UNIcollaboration, Feb 2024, Leon, Spain. [hal-04465325]
  • Clavel-Arroitia, B., Wigham, C.R., Pennock-Speck, B., Jauregi-Ondarra, K. & Canto, S. (2023). Diversity in profiles and training needs of teachers engaging in virtual exchange. Diversity in the Digital Foreign Language Classroom Conference, Mar 2023, Stuttgart, Germany. pp.1 - 23. [hal-04052937]

Actes de colloque

  • Wigham, C.R. & Jauregi-Ondarra, K. (2024). Teacher training perspectives for virtual exchange: Initial actions from the E-LIVE European project. EuroCALL 2023, Aug 2024, Reykjavik, Iceland. 10.4995/eurocall2023.2023.16969. [hal-04464949]
  • Canto, S., Jauregi-Ondarra, K., Wigham, C.R., Clavel-Arroitia, B. & Pennock-Speck, B. et al. (2023). Delivering Training and Coaching to Enable Teachers to Successfully Engage in Virtual Exchange. Innovation in Language Learning, Nov 2023, Florence, Italy. [hal-04388424]

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