Maxence Pithon



Analysis of the effects of an initial interprofessional training program on the construction of a collective between advanced practice nurses and general practitioners

Under the direction of Sylvie Moussay


Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) in healthcare is defined as interactional dynamics based on the sharing of knowledge, expertise, experience and collective decision-making for the benefit of patients (D'Amour et al., 1999). The benefits of this collaborative work are documented and measurable by improvements in clinical indicators (Jaén et al., 2010; Zwarenstein et al., 2009). Interprofessionality, which involves professionals in coordinating and interacting with each other, calls on trainers to develop their training courses. At the Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA), interprofessional health teaching has existed since 2008. The current format, planned for 2022, is aimed at pharmacy students and general medicine interns. In interprofessional training, the added value of simulation and digital teaching has been demonstrated (Policard, 2014), making it possible to work on non-technical skills and the collaborative dimension of care (Dupuy-Maribas et al., 2016). When applied to collaboration between GPs and nurses, simulation training helps to change their representations and improve communication (Lan et al., 2019).
The training of advanced practice nurses (APNs) is intended to extend nurses' interprofessional skills. There is little feedback on the implementation of interprofessional training schemes involving APNs, particularly in primary care settings.
The thesis project is part of a research program based on the development of professional activity. It is based on the work of Vygotski (1997) on the psychological dimension of human activity and its development.
The objective of the study will be to analyse the effects of an initial interprofessional health training scheme on the development of a team between advanced practice nurses and GPs.
In terms of methodology, reference will be made to data collection methods inspired by the Activity Clinic (Clot, 2008), which can provide access to the lived experience of the students involved in the schemes. The construction of the study data will be based on on-site observation, with the collection of traces (films, photos) of the interprofessional training scheme and crossed and simple self-confrontation interviews with the participants in the study.

Search operation

Analyse des effets d’un dispositif de formation initiale interprofessionnelle sur la construction d’un collectif entre infirmiers en pratique avancée et médecins généralistes


Search program

Activité, Développement, Santé (ADS)



Academic background 

  • 2022 : Masters human and social sciences, education sciences specialization, health sciences education pathway (Strasbourg University)
  • 2021 : DU digital teaching and simulation in healthcare (Grenoble Alpes University)
  • 2020 : Doctor of Medicine, general practice (Clermont Auvergne University)

Professional background 

  • Depuis 2022 : Senior Registrar in family practice (Clermont Auvergne University, Clermont-Ferrand)
  • Depuis 2021 : General practitioner (Langeac)
  • Depuis 2019 : Volunteer firefighter doctor (CS Langeac)
  • 2020-2022 : University assistant in family practice (Clermont Auvergne University, Clermont-Ferrand)
  • 2019-2021 : Replacement general practitioner (Langeac)