Sophie Doridant



Peer Health Education and Health Promoting School: Longitudinal following of interaction dynamics and health behaviours early adolescent and adolescent

Under the direction of Didier Jourdan and Philippe Cury 


The adolescent is vulnerable to experimenting with harmful addictive substances. Peer health education aims to promote informed health choices among adolescents by raising awareness among peers about the development of life skills and Health literacy in other adolescents. The evidence base is limited, and it has a lesser effect on life skills than on health literacy, and the effects being most notable among preventive peers. These peers are not professionals with professional skills to develop in health education. The effectiveness indicators of the global approach of health-promoting schools should be considered from the beginning of project implementation to ensure the quality deployment of a prevention project.

This work is part of an research intervention supported by the ARS (Regional Health Agency) Bourgogne Franche-Comté(France), conducted by the association Tab'Agir and the ACTé laboratory within two middle schools in the Dijon Academy. It is part of the "Prevention By Peers project " (PPP), which was revised on the available evidence based, with the addition of a like skills and health literacy component based on the scientific knowledge available at the time of the study: the "CooPairS" sessions. A group of young volunteers is sensitized to behaviors that delay the onset of addictions and to deploying these sessions with their peers.

All data collected over the three years of the project will undergo qualitative and quantitative analyses to describe and understand peer health education. The approach, through realistic evaluation, seeks to take into account the contexts, mechanisms, and effects of the intervention. Since interactions are at the heart of the system, these "multiple coordination mechanisms" will be studied within the complexity of implementing health education for well-being and health behaviors among peer middle school students. The dynamics of interactions in Bronfenbrenner’s ecosystemic approach will provide the framework for our research. The data will be analyzed in light of international and regional scientific data from Bourgogne Franche-Comté . The first study will consist of an analysis of the quality of peer health education involving life shills and health literacy, the second will aim to understand the nature of the interactions and the associated factors (barriers, levers, dilemmas), and the third will focus on analyzing the quality of the implementation of Health-Promoting Schools Approach


Search operation

Éducation à la santé par les pairs et École promotrice de santé : Suivi longitudinal des dynamiques d’interaction et des comportements en santé des pré-adolescents et adolescents


Search program

Travail collectif, situations d’intermétiers et de formation



ARS Bourgogne Franche Comté